Smokeless powder for sale

Smokeless Powder For Muzzleloader

Pellets are extremely flammable. Failure to follow warnings and instructions for use, or misuse
of this product in any way, may cause personal injury or death to the user or bystander, as well as
damage to the firearm and other property. Use Pellets only in strict accordance with loading
Do not take Pellets or Preformed Charges internally.
Do not contaminate Pellets or Preformed Charges with dirt or moisture.
Keep Pellets and Preformed Charges in original, closed box until used. Do not place Pellets or
Preformed Charges loose in clothing. Be sure box is closed while shooting. Only store Pellets or
Preformed Charges in original container.
Pellets and Preformed Charges are intended to be used in place of granular powder. Do not
combine Pellets or Preformed Charges with loose powder. Do not combine Pellets or Preformed
Charges of different caliber sizes.
Do not ignite Pellet or Preformed Charge in hand or outside of firearm.
Do not break, cut or modify Pellet or Preformed Charge by any means.
Triple Seven and Pyrodex Pellets, and White Hots Preformed Charges are designed for use only
in newly manufactured muzzleloading, in-line rifles of 50-caliber and 54-caliber. Triple Seven
and Pyrodex Pellets are also available for 45-caliber.
Use Triple Seven and White Hots only in a 209 primer ignition system. Pyrodex may be used
with standard cap, musket cap or 209 primer ignition systems. Use only the correct caliber Pellet
or Preformed Charge designated for the given caliber rifle. They are designed to be used with
saboted bullets or conicals together with a fiber wad. Any other use of the Pellets and PreformedCharges is not recommended. Triple Seven Pellets and White Hots Preformed Charges are not
for use in cartridges, or with patched round ball. Pyrodex Pellets may be used in cartridges.
Pistol Pellets are designed and intended for use only in newly manufactured modern replica 44
and 45 caliber cap and ball revolvers. They may also be used in 45 caliber in-line rifles. Any
other use of the Pistol Pellet is not recommended.
Failure to load muzzleloading firearm in strict accordance with instructions may cause personal
injury or death to the user or bystander, as well as damage to the firearm.
Use of Triple Seven Pellets, Pyrodex Pellets, and White Hots Preformed Charges in sidelock
muzzleloading rifles, in flintlock muzzleloading rifles, using a patched round ball, or the use of
conical lead bullets without a fiber wad is NOT recommended. Due to variations in the size and
type of flash channels of such rifles, as well as different rifle bore diameters, and conical bullet
sizes, hangfires (a delayed ignition of the propellant) or an improper gas seal of the projectile
may occur. These conditions could cause the projectile or a burning Pellet to exit the barrel in a
hazardous manner, which could cause personal injury or death to the user or bystander, as well as
damage to the firearm.
Never load and fire a Pellet or Preformed Charge without a projectile in the barrel, sealed on the
Pellet or Preformed Charge. To do so may cause a burning Pellet or Preformed Charge to exit the
barrel causing personal injury or property damage to the user or bystander.
When loading any projectile, be certain the projectile fits the bore snugly and forms a proper gas
seal. Make sure projectile is seated all the way down the bore on top of the propellant. Failure to
do so may result in decreased performance, poor accuracy or the possibility of a burning Pellet or
Preformed Charge particle exiting the barrel, which may cause personal injury or property
damage to the user or bystander. Used Pinball Machine For Sale
Never exceed the loads listed in this information or on the packaging label.Some manufacturers may recommend the use of more Pellets and Preformed Charges in their
rifles and pistols which exceed the number shown by Hodgdon and IMR. Hodgdon and IMR
specifically disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use of any data that exceeds our data,
and the user assumes all risk in doing so. If there is a question concerning the firearm maximum
load, please contact the firearm manufacturer for guidance. The maximum load per shot should
never exceed:
Pyrodex Pellets (Rifle) Maximum Two (2) Pellets
Triple Seven Maximum Two (2) Pellets
Triple Seven Magnums Maximum Two (2) Pellets
Triple Seven Firestar Maximum Three (3) Pellets
IMR White Hots Maximum Three (3) Pellets
Pyrodex Pellets (Pistol) Maximum One (1) Pellet
Each Pyrodex Pellet contains a black ignitor on one end. When loading the Pellet, for best
ignition, place the black ignitor end of the Pellet into the barrel first. No orientation is necessary
for Triple Seven Pellets and White Hots Preformed Charges.
Before loading place gun on safety as per firearm manufacturer’s instructions.
Be certain that firearm is unloaded and that the barrel and flash channel are clean, dry and free of
oil or lubricant. Place muzzle away from body and insert the correct number of Pellets or
Preformed Charges into the gun muzzle. Do not pound on ramrod or seat projectile with
excessive force so as to crush Pellet. However, be certain that no air space exists between the
projectile and Pellet. If an air space exists, the projectile becomes an obstruction in the barrel,
which upon firing the gun, may cause personal injury or death to the user or bystander as well as
damage to the firearm.

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